CIO Guide to Technology Innovation

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Your role in innovation is unclear, but you know the power of information technology in making a real business impact, both operationally and strategically.  To paraphrase William Gibson, the ground-breaking science fiction writer:

The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed

To address the challenge of increasing awareness of technology innovation resources for the CIO and IT leaders, here is the CIO Guide for Technology Innovation.  Please send me any ideas to improve this guide by clicking Contact Me on the right.

Innovation Books

Innovation Articles

Technology Innovations

Innovation Resources

cc licensed flickr photo shared by oskay

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  • Chris,

    Thanks for the list. Among my friends, I am a common source for books suggestions. In the book departments I would add

    - “10 Faces of Innovation” by Tom Kelley
    - “Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
    - “Don’t Compete… Tilt The Field” by Louis Patler

  • Chris,

    Thanks for the list. Among my friends, I am a common source for books suggestions. In the book departments I would add

    - “10 Faces of Innovation” by Tom Kelley
    - “Blue Ocean Strategy” by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne
    - “Don’t Compete… Tilt The Field” by Louis Patler